Monday, March 11, 2013

~This Is Today...Today Is For You~

 Good morning my crafty friends, 
After a beautiful weekend with family and friends,
I have one last project from the 
Creating Made Easy March 2013 Kit.

This fun little card-using the Clear Scraps embellishments. 
Inside it says "Today is For You" I thought it would make
a fun friendship or even birthday card. 
Stay tuned all week for projects, but poor April might be sparse
for a week or so because the family and I are headed to vacation with
2 other families! I am very excited but I am sure my crafty time
will be non existent. I will try to post vaca photos! :) 
Happy Monday my friends~


  1. This is an awesome card. Was the cage already glittery or did you do it? Have a great vacation.

  2. I glittered the heck out of it! :) LOL Thanks Becky~ :)


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