Thursday, January 24, 2013

~New Adventure! Fun New Projects!~

Good morning my friends I have some FUN NEWS
to share today!

Clear Scraps has decided to begin a monthly kit club
and what makes it special not only is the amazing acrylic included. 
BUT also there will be step by steps so you can re-create the projects! :) 

This is my first project, I am excited to share with you all, I hope you 
will fall in love like I did and head off to the Facebook and click LIKE
Clearly this kit is just amazing! :) I love the colors and style. 
I created this mini album and the instructions for this are included in the kit. 

Anyways I really hope you all at least say hello and keep up with
the website even if you don't order. There will be amazing inspiration on the
blog and Facebook I promise you that!

Happy Hump Day! See you tomorrow~



  1. WOW fab album!!! You are right, its a ab kit full with wonderful stuff :)

  2. A-MAZ-ING as always Pinky!@!! Love what you have designed!!


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