Friday, May 11, 2012

~Sun Catcher Frame- Altered Art by Pinky~

Good morning my crafty friends! :) 

I have a special project to share today, I have been playing with this
for a week now. It is a very inexpensive wooden frame I bought from
Michael's like 6 months ago that I decided to turn into a sun catcher~
 The actual sun catcher is from Connie Crystal right here, just a stunning
crystal I must say, and if you looks closely below you can see the individual
crystal beads I added to the project from Connie Crystal.
 For the paper and embellishments I used the awesome Weathered Spring
kit from the Scraptastic Club. I love the papers and embellishments. 
 I love the rustic feel, I am just so excited about this project! :) 
I am having fun with these crystals, if you like what you see please
head over to Connie Crystal on Facebook.
You know I only endorse companies I believe in and these are 
really great peeps. 
Now off for a weekend of baseball...again LOL
Hopefully I will be back 100% well and so will my friends. 

I do have some special projects to share this next week, I will be
seeing y'all soon! Happy Friday my friends. 


  1. Cute I like the sun catcher. The LO of the boys photo is cute too.

  2. Now if this isn't the most clever unique idea I don't know what is! That is why I love your work Pinky. Such a great idea - I LOVE sun catchers. I have a collection of them so this idea really intrigues me.

    Great LO of your family too below. Like that you made it light when the pic was more serious. You really know how to keep it different.


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