Friday, May 18, 2012

~Recipe For Disaster! Oh Boy!!~

Good morning my crafty friends, 
We had such a fun night last night at the ball field just watching friends games.
Was nice not to play but just watch.  

Ok, you know I scrap the good, bad, and the here goes.
While I love my tattoos, going through a tattoo experience with my 
very indecisive husband...well it was a true nightmare. LOL

When the NDSIB's challenge was to create a recipe I knew exactly
what I wanted to do. Part pretty and fun, part crazy~
I love my hubby but so help me, he gets any other tattoos on his own. 
I had my girl Renee fix his, I will stick to my girl and he can do whatever he needs LOL
This is the picture of him having it fixed, and also him having it done the first time. 
The man just had no luck...LOL

to create this layout, and I am so happy she has such fun lines to work with. 



  1. LOVE it! Also love the look your hubby is giving you - tee hee! Got to love our men don't you?!?

  2. giggle too funny. If I finally break down and decide to do one you're coming with me ;)


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