Thursday, September 13, 2012

~Art Canvas: She Understood The Need For Change~

Good morning my crafty friends, 

I was busy creating yesterday and stopped for a bit to make this canvas. 
I don't make many canvases but I was totally inspired by the 
new Clear Scraps Expressions, so I just jumped in and did it. 
I used the Pink Paislee She Art collection and I actually
made a full tutorial which I posted on the Clear Scraps blog

 Sometimes it's nice to make a canvas to cleanse the heart a little bit. 
I love the words on the die cut package in the She Art package. 
"She understood the need for change" is so true. Life is all about change
and amazing opportunities that change brings. 
You never know what is right around the corner and who might be waiting for you :) 

Now I am off for a BUSY day with Archery, Baseball, work and more!
Happy Thursday my friends!! :) 



  1. Ohh I love the canvas!

    Have a fun busy Thursday!

  2. Wowza Pinky! This is gorgeous. Love the color. Off to check out your fab tutorial!

  3. WOW...this is so gorgeous girl! I love the sentiment and everything you've done here with your Sheart girl! LOVE!!! <3

  4. WOW...this is so gorgeous girl! I love the sentiment and everything you've done here with your Sheart girl! LOVE!!! <3

  5. omg...i LOVE LOVE LOVE your canvas! fabulous work chickie! xoxo


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