Wednesday, June 29, 2011

~Using Paper Lines In Alternate Subjects~

Good morning!!!! It is already Wednesday can you believe it??

I love using "Themed" paper and embellishments for alternate ideas.
I used the fun Happy Harvest (very fall themed) line for this baseball layout.
I used the amazing Clear Scraps XL Deco shape for this one :)
Since baseball runs all spring/summer and this year we will try
fall ball, I thought it would be fun to put a fall season twist on it.
Who says you have to stick with your theme??!
Looking at these pictures I cannot believe how BIG my son
is getting! He is just 9 years old last month and he looks 12 or 13.
Amazing how fast they grow.
I might be crazy but in the end my kids will look at my work and smile
because it all says "I Love YOU and want to remember every moment".
That is what I love about scrapbooking!

*side notes* Well I did it, I went and had my hair cut short!
I will fix it up and post a picture tomorrow, very exciting LOL
I had moral support, my girlyfriend came with me (thank goodness)
because I really needed it. But it looks great and I can't wait to play
with it and take some fun pictures today.

Ok off to play with my hair and cook for my boys....
Happy Hump Day!



  1. Love the layout..I understand about the boys looking older..when my son was a couple of months from turning 12 I had several people ask me if he was 16/17!! NO!! He will be 14 in a month.

    I saw a couple of hair photos can't wait to see what you do with it now that you have slept on it.

  2. Love the happy harvest line-=-Fall is my favorite time of year.

    My son is gonna pay all ball this year too! Love your layout!

    ps. just wanted to let you know i won a giveaway on our blog and i received it one day last week. THANKS!!!!!!!!

  3. I was about to comment on how old your son is beginning to look. Yes, he does look at least 12. What handsome boys you have!

    Very cute layout!

  4. Love how you used this paper line and totally gave it a very masculine feel, which works so great for these great pics.
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  5. What a great layout, very creative idea. Can't wait to see your new do. Good thing about hair, it will always grow out :-)

  6. Love this layout, love the shaped base layer and great photo's.
    Kim xXx


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