Monday, March 21, 2011

~♡♥Happy Monday & Spring Break For Us!!♥♡~

Good morning my crafty friends!!!

We had a beautiful weekend here in TN with 80 degree weather and
wonderful friends with baseball. We lost our games but what a great weekend!

After the games, mowing, and playing with the boys yesterday, hubby and
I took an evening drive as the sun set and I snapped a few pics I thought I
would share along with my projects today.
This is right down the road, I love spring and it has hit Middle TN!
A beautiful pink tree at sunset. I am so grateful for this weekend with
my family and outside. What a refresher!!

I did sit down on Saturday night and scrap. I finished a layout and
this cute little acrylic card. I used the new Berryliscious line from Imaginisce
and the 12X12 acrylic sheets from Clear Scraps.
I love making cards that do not fold but have 2 sides!
They are so practical for acrylic and people love them.
This one is for my mother in law in Oregon. Her b-day is this week.
I hope she likes it. It reminds me of a spring birthday.
Later this week (24th) there will be a special blog hop from Imaginisce
and a super FUN prize! :) So stay tuned and come back by!!!

OK thats it for me today, I have the boys home all week, so I will
be in an out and a BUSY momma! Much love to ya, I hope you
found some inspiration today, if not then I hope you just had fun!
As always I THANK YOU for coming by!



  1. Beautiful photos! Gorgeous always! :-)

  2. So nice to see pictures of Spring, we are in the middle of a Spring snow storm hope it doesnt last long, I was enjoying having the windows open and wanted my yard to dry out so the little ones could go play. :( Thanks for sharing as always Pinky I enjoy reading about your family and seeing your designs.

  3. Cristal,

    I love that Birthday card, your MIL will love it...

    The pictures you took are beautiful! I especially love the "pink" tree.

  4. The weather was just perfect this past weekend and I am sorry the boys didn't win but the main thing is they had a terrific time and I bet they did. Love the card and the photos, the trees are all flowering around here too and are so pretty - especially the magnolias.

  5. Those are really great pictures Cristal! Love the card too. I'm sure MIL will too :)

  6. Love that card, Cristal! And your photos are gorgeous. It takes a *wee* bit longer to look like that up here in Chicago.... looking forward to it though!

  7. Your spring photo's are so inviting. We are on storm alert because tomorrow evening into Wed. we are to get a snow storm with 6-12 inches!!! Looks like I need to leave the state to get some spring, but it won't be until next week when I go to GA. Enjoy your boys.

  8. I do miss the changing of the trees in spring and fall, thank you so much for sharing such beautiful pictures. Have a great week with the boys!! I am sure your mother will love her card, it's adorable!

  9. love, love, LOVE those little seed packets! scraplift alert!

  10. Great card! I did 2 sided cards, albeit just paper, for my DGK for Valentines day. Have a fun spring break!!


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