Friday, July 16, 2010

~Yea, it's Friday!!~

Happy Friday everyone!!!!
I am so happy the weekend is sliding in to play.

I am ready for some down time this weekend.
Some weeks you feel like you run all week with no
end in sight....

I have one more Apple Cider project I made
this week. I wanted to make a wall hanging for Fall.
So I grabbed the Apple Cider collection, the irock,
my Helmar 450 Quick Dry, and my Cricut.I used the Home Decor cartridge and cut the frame around the
clear panel that says "GIVE THANKS"
I like it but I feel like I want to add something,
maybe a bird or something, not sure yet...
so this will go into my "work in progress" file LOL

You know I just realized I have not made a video
in forever! Man things are slipping into the cracks
with my boys home all summer.
I guess I am ready for them to go back.
I have not had an alone day in a long time LOL

OK, I am off to sew today...and track down
a new sewing pedal. I am so upset...last night my sewing
pedal *which has always given me problems* BROKE!!
I was in tears...I sew every single day.
Today I have to track one down and order it.

~Happy Friday, and have a great day~
~Thank YOU for popping by :)~


  1. I'm going to Archiver's this weekend, and I had saw that they had the iRock. How do you like it?

  2. I just LOVE IT! I love being able to make my own designs with no mess!

  3. I can't wait to get the I-Rock that I won!

    Love your project-but I think, like you, that a bird might make it pop!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. I was thinking a bird would be great on there also.
    Hope you have a restful weekend. Sure you are getting excited about

  5. Sooo cute! I love it, and think a bird would be really cute on it. Hope you find a new pedal!

  6. Your wall hanging is great the way it is but I agree that a bird would be nice. Then again, I love anything with birds on it so you may just want to ignore my comment today lol.

  7. Such a pretty wall hanging, love the frame and with those papers it looks beautiful.
    Kim xXx


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