Sunday, March 28, 2010

~The Snooky-Poo & Fiska-Peep SHOW!~

Evening my crazy fun crafty friends,
I am chuckling in my room tonight.

I just got back from an amazing weekend with some amazingly
generous and sweet crafters.

Many of you know that I drove to West Virginia this weekend in order to
attend a charity crop for Lupus.
What an amazing cause and what an amazing group of crafters I met
this weekend. I don't think that people who don't scrap really understand
how genuinely heartfelt and generous that the scrapbooking/crafting
community can be. Honestly this crop was a joint effort
of all the girls in West Virginia, and Fiskateers combined, from the home made food
to the handmade, bought, and all donated charity auctions.

I will be sharing through the week but tonight before I headed to bed
I wanted to share the "Great Chicken Run" story and introduce you to

Snooky-Poo and the Fiska-Peeps!Let me share the story behind the name (hehe)
Yesterday the sweetest Fiskateer JEANNIE came up to me
and she said "Pinky, I have something special for you!!" as she brought over
a white cardboard box. Here is sweet Jeannie and the famous Rebecca! :)
Hope you don't mind ladies, but your both my friends and I cannot resist!
And honest to gawd I had no idea what in the world
she had in the box (chicks were the furthest thing from my mind! LOL)
She opens that box and the CUTEST most adorable chicks were inside!!!

I want to introduce you to Fiska-Cheep and Fiska-Chirp
I was overwhelmed and it touched my heart so much, that #1 she knew
I was raising chicks and it was an exciting new venture, and #2 this woman
took the time and went to the trouble to get me chicks, FEED, and a watering
dish too! How sweet is that? I was just blown away!!!
But then it hit me..."what in the world will I do with the chicks tonight?
I am staying in a hotel!" LOL That is when the fun began!
We checked in to the hotel and I kept trying to figure out how
I was going to explain a cheeping box to the check-in chick
(she was so lovely I probably could have told her outright)
But we went REBEL on this trip because that's how PINKY ROLLS! bwhahaha

We checked in and she directs us to our room, and how lucky
are we?? We are by the back door WAAAYYY down the hall
perfect for the "Chicken Run", so I park at the second door
and start unloading and sneak those peepers in
saying "SHHHHH fiska-peeps" the whole time...
which BTW just so you know (in case you wondered) Shhh Shing chicks??
Yea, it does NOT work LOL They cheep louder I think.

I set them up in the bathroom with their food and a lamp.
Later that night we were chatting with Rebecca and looking at the
Fiskateer pictures from the crop and we ran across the picture above
(the chicks and I) I don't know if it was the exhaustion setting in
but we were DYING laughing about sneaking those chicks in and
how my hair looked...I told Rebecca "I look Snooky-fied!"
If you don't know what that means there was a silly reality show
called Jersey Shore and it was a big hit this is Snookie
She always wears her heair in a bufont style and the first picture
I saw of myself it reminded me of that...
so Rebecca said "It's Snooky-POO and her Fiska-Peeps!!" hehehe
and then we named the chicks Fiska-Cheep and Fiska-Chirp.
We were hysterically laughing and it was so much fun!

Silly I know I know...thanks for bearing with me, I really am
exhausted tonight LOL Maybe you won't find it funny,
but you have to admit these chicks are so gosh darn cute, it was
wroth stopping by! LOL
I had a great time!
Maxine from Scrapbook Page in WV was amazing, she brought
tears to all of our eyes as she passionately spoke about Lupus.
They raised over 3400.00 to donate and it was WELL WORTH the drive
over and meeting people I had never met was wonderful!
Maxine and Rebecca

I hope to go back again and visit the girls, what a great group of
crafters, and what a welcoming bunch!
I will see y'all tomorrow, back to your regularly scheduled blogging.
(I might be a little late though)
Have a blessed evening,
~Thanks for sharing in my adventure~


  1. Those Fiska-chicks are too cute & so are you! Thanks for sharing the story. When she told me that she was getting them for you I knew that you would love them. Rest up!

  2. The chicks are so fun AND cute!...but are they for real? ...or did they visit your hairdresser? Sorry, couldn't resist!

    Are they dyed?

  3. LOL I have no idea kathy...I will have to see how they do it??! Thanks Tona, I am tired LOL

  4. how adorable is it that you received those chicks!

    but who came first? fiskars or the eggs? lol that was my attempt at a joke!

  5. What a great time you all had!! I am busting out laughing at your peepers chirping up a storm while trying to sneek them in..!!! CLassic!! Sounds like a wonderful trip!

  6. LOL.. I can almost hear you girls laughing as you are sneaking 2 peepers into your hotel room, I was laughing just reading it.. and putting me into your shoes...being a lady with pinky hair asking for a hotel room...alol... mariah

  7. I think those chicks were trying to show you up with their die job. They are so adorable and what a sweet and thoughtful gift to have received.

  8. oh those chicks are the cutest things ever!!! I am dying (pun totally intended!!) to find out how they were coloured!!

  9. Oh those chicks are sooooo cute!!!! Love the new hair are so pretty!!!

    So glad to hear that you had a great time.....Rest Up!!!

  10. So awesome to FINALLY meet you!! I hope we get together again so I can spend some time chatting with you.

  11. I think it's so awesome that they were raising money for lupus - not enough is done for this disease!! Hope you had a great time!

  12. OMG, I just LOVE Fiska-Cheep and Fiska-Chirp...they are so adorable girl...heehee, what a sweet thing to do ;) So glad you had a wonderful time :)

  13. fabulous stories from the weekend - you REBEL, Pinky! :D

    love the pics, and I WANT THOSE CHICKS! i've always had a thing for baby chicks, and have always called my friends "my chickens".... oh, i hope they love their new home! :D

  14. So cute Pinky! Loved your story about sneaking them in. I didn't believe that Jeannie really had live chicks for you. Only from Jeannie would that happen.Wish that I could have been ther to see the moment.

  15. Adorable chicks!!! So glad you had a good time in WV!!!

  16. Glad you had a good time for a good cause! Did they Manic panic those chicks? They are too cute!

  17. Those little chickies are adorable with their rebel hair colors! What a thoughtful gift. So glad you had a great time and you made it home safe! xoxo

  18. Those cute little chicks! and the color is way cool & fun!
    Yes they are definately your chicks!
    Enjoy the week and keep going girl!
    We love your wild ways!
    Whimsical & Charming!
    Love C

  19. Looks like you had an amazing time! May I ask where in WV you all meet up at and where the store is? I need to visit grandma and my aunt soon. Maybe the store is near one of them :)

  20. Looks like you had a great time at the charity crop!!! Can't wait to see pics of your creations!!
    Those chicks are just too cute!!! Love their fun colors!!!

  21. The chickes are too cute! Oh my goodness! What fun. Jeannie is a sweetheart! I loved seeing folks I love there at the crop. I knew it would be a blast. Thanks for sharing and hugs!


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