Tuesday, March 23, 2010

~Just peachy Tuesday, good morning!~

Good morning all you beautiful crafters!
No scrapbooking for me today, I have 3 boys at home
climbing the walls on this rainy spring break! hehehe
Just trying to keep them away fro my new Cricut
so I can play some more!!

Some of you asked for chicken updates, so here they are.
They have just about doubled in size and boy I am ready for the
chicken coop! They have discovered the joys of jumping out of their
pen and hopping on the couch, so we had to fashion a lid for the pen.
Daffodil *the dog* is still completely fascinated with them,
but not in a hunter way, she is scared of them so far.Last week one got out and I heard a bunch of peeping, she was whining
letting me know the chicken was out, it was too funny.
She will make a great chick watchdog!

Since it was cold and rainy, I spent the day baking.
I love cobblers and old fashioned puddings etc...but the kids...
not so much! I only had one taker on the peach cobbler.
One would not even look at it, one of them tried a bite and THREW
IT AWAY! I liked to die right there! What the heck?
So for now, no more peach cobbler (even though it was delish!)

I have also been sewing of course.
I am making myself a top today and I finished this XL-2X dress
It is up for sale so if you know anyone who wants it let me know.
I have been scrapbooking, but it is all for DT work and not to be revealed
until the 1st. So this week I might be scarce due to Spring Break
and packing for West Virginia!
Can you believe it?? Only 3 more days until I head out!
I better get packing, any suggestions on what to pack for the crop?
I suck at that because I never go to crops! LOL
Give me ideas, help the pink crazy lady out LOL

~Thanks for stopping by to say hey~
I love hearing from my friends
~Have a beautiful Day~


  1. Isn't it funny what children will eat? The cobbler looks delish!
    I always over pack when I crop or find I need something I didn't bring...not very helpful.
    Hey sweetie stop by my blog and enter my blog candy giveaway...

  2. I would of eaten some of that cobbler. That just made me very hungry for some maybe I will make me some too. It looks delicious!! :0)

  3. Ummm Pinky, anything Orange and Green would be perfect for the crop. I always take a zippered sweatshirt for the back of my chair. You never know if you will be under the air portion of the crop room or they may keep it chilly to keep you awake and alert.

  4. The chicks are so cute!!! And that cobbler looks very yummy.

    Have a great time with your kids!

  5. Oh the chicks are adorable...I want one!!!!

    The cobbler....I told you I need to move next door...we could have eaten the whole thing together!!! YUMMY!!!!

    I usually over pack for crops...thinking I need it all..and then it becomes a pain in the tail..because I have way tooooo much!!! Now I make up kits with matching papers, embellies and little things I think might go well!!! We always share things anyway....so why overpack...I bring tons of adhesive and lots of alphas!!!

    Oh you are going to have such a great time..I was supposed to go this weekend with my girls...but something came up and I can't go!!!! BOOOO!!! They will be scrapping all weekend!!!

    Have a great day and enjoy those BOYS!!!!

  6. Well, Pinky, I for one, WOULD have eaten your cobbler. It looks fantastic. Thanks for sharing!

  7. The chicks are so cute! If I had known your boys wouldn't eat the cobbler I would have come up to help ya eat it! I so love that dress! As for packing for a crop I am no help! I always take a lot of stuff but always seem to forget something!

  8. Cobbler looks yummy, I def would have eaten some!! Kids!! My 29yr old, is just now trying 'new foods'!!
    Chicks are super cute & fuzzy!!
    Packing for the crop....def a sweater, as far as scrappy stuff...I always forget something!!!


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