Wednesday, March 3, 2010

~Hump day is news to share!~

Good morning all you amazing crafters!
In the midst of being sick and my children coming down with
the flu one by one, I have some great news to share!
Yep that's right :) You are looking at the newest DT member for
ClearScraps! I so love acrylic, this will be fun!

Here is another layout from my Scrapbooking From The Inside Out DT work
This month's kit was jam packed with goodies including this laser
cut paper from Basic Grey and another one as well!
Nostalgia was the theme so I took an old picture of my youngest
and reflected on the day he was born...
Not hard to find joy in this memory!
I wanted to balance out all the other "Nostalgia" in my life with a
fun and loving page as well because my life is

Back to my sick boys and hopefully mending their sick momma :)
~Have a beautiful day~
~Thanks for sharing with me and my excitement~


  1. Congrats Cristal! Great team, I know that you'll add alot to it :)

  2. Congrats how exciting is that :) They picked a good one :)

  3. Wonderful!! If they were looking for talent they found it in you!! Can't wait to see what amazing things you do!! I love this lo btw! Just wonderful...that pic is too cute!!

  4. Congrats Pinky!!!! That's awesome!!!!

  5. Congratulations Pinky, I know you'll do them proud. I hope your boys start feeling better soon.

  6. Congrats Pinky!!! Great layout!!! Hope you all feel better soon!!! Take care! :)

  7. wow you! That is are so talented in so many aspects! Clear Scraps is pretty cool, I do enjoy their I will be watcing for some ideas/turorials from you! CONGRATS!

  8. Congratulations on making another design team! They're lucky to have you. WTG!

  9. WoW, Congratulations Pinky!
    Laura (my 'boss' from my Kiss on the Chic days!lol) is on that DT! You are gonna roCk their acrylic girl!!!!! xOxO

  10. Congrats on the DT!
    Sorry to hear y'all are sick. Feel better, chiquita banana.

  11. Congrats Pinky! I saw the list and missed you the first time...then I saw someone say congrats Pinky and I was like what? Double checked and saw you! :) Congrats!!!! :)


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