Tuesday, March 9, 2010

~Attracting Chickens...hehehe~

Good morning all my amazing crafty friends!
I spent most of yesterday just sewing,
I broke down and made some pillowcases for my boys
they have been asking since we made them for Conkerr Cancer,
so it was time to make them some too.

It is MY DAY for the Helmar post. Go check it out!!
Using up those snowy pictures :)

How are your My Memories mini books coming? Is anyone else making one?
Are you having fun with it? I know I am! I even put a little notebook
in the car to keep a record of the cute things the boys say.
This weekend was chalked full of fun, like this little page
"Chicken Attractin' " LOL Oh my goodness I nearly fell out the car~!
I used Helmar zapdots for dimension.
I used them on the journaling spot, this is going to be a
fun thick mini book! :) They come in black, white and clear,
I cannot wait to try them on something more transparent.
This paper is the My Little Shoebox paper, I am finally using
this die cuts I won forever ago!
Yesterday was a great day, beautiful and full of sunshine, plus the kids
were learning to ride bikes, I think I took 50 pictures.
I will share a few after I get to editing them.
Remember Dirty Scraps is coming up tomorrow!
Now back to getting these kids off to school.

~Have a beautiful day~
~Thank you for stopping by~


  1. Now that is a great idea! I scrapped a page several months back with some of the cute things my youngest says but I never considered making a mini book. How cool! I have a teen and a pre teen that STILL say some pretty goofy stuff.....LOL

  2. Aww so sweet. That would be a fun adventure. Raising Chickens. My grandfather raised rabbits it was too fun. He also did bee keeping which I saw your intrested in. Lots of stuff online about that. Plus you get yummy honey :P Have a great day Pinky :)

  3. Very cute Pinky! I love this idea.

    Now, what is a chicken tractor?

  4. This book of yours is going to be such a treasure!


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