Wednesday, September 2, 2009

~Honorable Wednesday and an accident to boot!~

I had an amazing honor this week,
I was chosen to be the Guest DT on Dream Girls
this week!!
So please go check it out and play along..
the challenge this week is so much fun!!

Here is my LO for the challenge...

So for the bad day I had,
yesterday I was sewing and for the first time in over 20 years...
I sewed right through my finger...
It was horrible, squirting blood all over and the needle
sticking out both sides of my finger, it went all
the way through and broke off.
I pulled it through and it was broken so I had to remove it on both sides.
Needless to say I am having hubby type this for me, since I cannot.
It's hurting very much, hubby rushed home to
help me, and the neighbor who is a nurse came over and
helped me decide whether or not I needed to go to the ER.
Here is to hoping it heals and no Dr. is necessary!

~Hope you have an amazing day!~
~Pray for me if you have an extra prayer around~


  1. Oh Pinky...I am so very sorry. I just know that for a more intelligent comment. That LO is marvelous! Congrats!!!

  2. Sorry bout you sewing accident!
    Hope you heal quickly.
    I love you page!

  3. Oh Sweetie, how awful...that sounds so painful.....Keep an eye out for infection!!!! Congrats on the GT and I love the LO!!!! Just perfect!!!!! Hoping you are feeling better very quickly!!!! :)

  4. wow Pinky..this is so cool..I love the cardboard background...nicely done.. sorry for the sewing accident thou.. Congrats.

  5. OMGOSH you poor girl I did that once not all the way thru that does hurt...Said a prayer for you hon seems I been doing that a lot this morning for you girls that I have visited....
    I LOVE this layout you did an awesome job sooo beautifly done just breathtaking!!

  6. owww, owww, owwww - I felt a twinge down to my toes. I love your layout Pinky! I hope your finger gets better soon.

  7. Ouch! Hope your finger heals up real soon.
    Love your layout. It's fantastic as usual.

  8. OUCH!!! Pinky I hope your finger feels better soon. Love your LO.

  9. Ouch! Eek!! Hope your doing better soon, Cristal!

  10. Oh my gosh that is terrible!! I hope your finger heals very quickly!! Congrats on DT though! That is exciting!!

  11. Pinky!! Awful! Scary!! I'm soooo sorry that happened! I hope it heals quickly and you won't be in any pain.

  12. Oh man!! I would have been screamin my head off & then i'd swear off sewing. Hope you heal up really fast!! Oh yeah.... Congrats

  13. this is just stunning! love, love, love everything about it! it just makes me happy to look at it! hugs!

  14. OMG! That's awful! I hope you heal quickly! Your LO is GORGEOUS! FEEL BETTER SOON!!

  15. Ooooooh I love this layout! Hope you are healing quickly!


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