Friday, July 24, 2009

~Fun News/Class and RAK winner!

August 1st
Scrapbook Village
FREE Class/Training
with Pinkie at the Village!

Two sessions 10:00AM & 1:00PM
Call Store to sign up 270-678-7171

Sorry I have been MIA,
but a local store has contacted me about carrying my dresses to sell,
it is a cute little handmade shop and that has pretty
much kept me chained to my sewing machine for a couple days.

No scrapbooking here just sewing and tending the kids!

Oh and the Sewing Machine CADDY WINNER!!!
#15 came up on the random number generator which
just happens to be
Blogger Jocelyn said...

OH My Gravy....this is soooooo cute!!!! Just my colors too!!!! You are going to laugh at me...but my bobbin fell out and the pieces came apart and I cannot find the manual to tell me how to put it back together!!!! Hey the sewing machine sounds like my house....Humpty Dumpty!!!!!!! I adore this and thanks for the tutorial!!!! :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

So Jocelyn send me your addy and I will mail it out next week!

Thanks everyone for coming to comment, I had 50 comments, can you believe it??

I was tickled PINK and Black Polka dot! LOL

~Have a great day and if you are in Kentucky please come by!~

Just email me for more information! I would LOVE to see ya!~



  1. Well congratulations on your upcoming class, and your boutique designs! That's awesome pInky! And YaY for Jocelyn!!! I'm so glad she won! xOxO

  2. That is so great! Happy for you Cristal!

  3. Yippee....I won and it will match my room perfect!!!! Thanks so much!!!!!! Here is my email shoot me off something and I will send you my address!!!!

  4. That sounds like so much fun, congratulations! I saw your link on Tricia Rennea and had to stop by!


~I wanna hear from YOU!~
Without YOU I would have no blog,
so please do know I read EVERY SINGLE COMMENT!
I appreciate you stopping by :)