Saturday, April 25, 2009

~Super-licious Saturday~

Good morning sweet blog viewers!
I am very excited about being the GUEST DT at the Shaker Box next month!
Wait until you see what the Kit I picked out is??
I never have really plugged the Shaker Box yet.
But let me just say, if you are looking for a small,
kind, nice little forum with a cute store.
Then you NEED to check out the Shaker Box!
Tell them Pinky sent ya!

Let me tell you that the Guest DT altered kit next month,
is simply FABULOUS!

This is my other Survivor Team LO.
I love taking drives in the country and exploring old buildings.
As the boys get older we plan on exploring haunted places/buildings.
And only taking pictures of course (leaving everything as found)
But for now, I happily settle for country drives and photography.

OK off to spend the day with my family
~Have a beautiful day~


  1. Such a pretty LO and I love the ROOSTER!!! I love stopping off on the side of the road and taking pics!!! My husband thinks I am craxy, when I see an old tractor sitting in a field overgrown, and then I have to hike in through all this grass, just to get the perfect pic. Haunted building, I AM AFRAID!!!!! Sissy pants me!!!! Have a great weekend with the family!!! Enjoy the weather!

  2. I love old buildings, what stories they must hold! Love the polka dots!

  3. Gorgeous as always!! I love dropping by and seeing your creations!

  4. Great LO gf!

    Enjoy the day with the family!


  5. Love the layout!
    Can't wait to see future layouts w/ the boys adventure hunting

  6. there is something to be said about long drives in the countryside! beautiful Lo, as always!

  7. Another great layout. I love to look at old houses. Especially empty, abandoned houses. It always makes me curious as to who lived there & what their life must have been like.

  8. I love this layout! Everything about is awesome and such great photos too!


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