Friday, March 6, 2009

~Saturday....sickies in the house Saturday~

I am so excited, I sat down yesterday
(after I did the laundry and cleaned the house and made spaghetti for dinner)
and was able to scrap BOTH my Lo's for my new DT gig Punk Rock Scrappers!

There is something freeing about having absolutely
NO RULES and scrapping whatever I want! LOVE IT!
I had so much fun doing it!
I am not sure when these will come out but when I post them here
I will definitely use a disclaimer.
Punk Rock Scrappers, is definitely an adult
themed challenge blog. No holds barred!
But most of my friends know I am already like that.
Of course I don't cuss much in my LO's but I will be in these LOL
Just cuz I can! Bwhahaha

Well, like the title said, I am sick today and I was yesterday too,
so I am going back to bed.
Have a great weekend y'all!


  1. The plague is sweeping our home also...That still will not keep me from scrapping, LOL!!!
    Feel better!

  2. Cant wait to see the reveal!!! Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Hope you feel better soon. We have been sick this week also. Can't wait to see you work for Punk Rock Scrappers.

  4. Hope everyone is feeling better. Love the peeks you've got posted here.


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