Monday, February 2, 2009

~Mayhem Monday?!~

So excited I finally get to share some of my work from the February Kit #2 on Treasured Scrapbooking! These are just a couple pages I have done in the last 2 weeks!

I never did find a title for this one, I just liked it bare. It is my 7th Wedding Anniversary TODAY! And I sort of made this is commemoration of it.
Well this and a sex coupon book LOL

And here is a LO using the stamp in the kit and my sketch to match.
I have to say I managed to make 3 ALL PINK boy Lo's this month! Not bad right?
Bwhahaha! You can make ANY scrap page work for you, just remember..NO RULES!
I love this pink page and who cares if it is PINK it still rocks in my book!
I still have one more page that is all PINK for tomorrow.

Great mix right?
Its all for fun anyways. No pressure!
Have a great Monday


  1. I adore the layouts..The one of your hubby and you does not even need a title...Happy 7th darlin!

  2. Great job gf! Love all the layouts!!!

  3. Too funny Girl!

    Happy Anniversary :D

  4. wow. i love the pink boy pages!!!

  5. Congrats on 7 years!!! Great pages, too!

  6. Love them!! congrats on 7 years. and great work as always!

  7. Happy 7th Anniversary!

    Love the layout of you and the hubby.. to cute and perfect just the way it is!

  8. Love the layouts. You definitely rock pink.

  9. I really like your page without a title. Your pic says it all.

  10. Congrats on 7 years! Love the Layouts and your sketches...think I will try them a little later tonite...

    have fun!

  11. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Gota love the SEX coupons! We used to bowl for coupons when we first started dating..made bowling so much more fun!
    Love the layouts!
    I will not be able to scrapbook for 6 weeks after my surgery next week so I will be watching your blog and taking note of your fabulous layouts!

  12. This is stunning..... I love it and the two of you look really happy!

    Love the curious mind layout too! You can tell he's just studying it!

    (bet you get lots of hits with the 'sex coupon' post. lol!)


  13. Like usual girl, lovin your style. Cant wait to make a coupon book...that should prove fun!.... Glad you and Bitteman got 7 "legal" years under your belt!!.

    Happy Anniversary girl!



  14. WHOHOO ~ congrats on your anniversary pinky! 7 years..that's awesome! lovin your pink los ~ rawkin kewl!

  15. Happy belated anniversary, Cristal! I love the photo of you and hubby.

    My hubby and I celebrate our 18th anniversary in a few days. I like to tell people I was married at 14. ;-)

  16. These layouts are just gorgeous!!!!
    You always amaze me with your work, and I alway look forward to seeing it.


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