Thursday, December 11, 2008

~Running Late Thursday~

Well obviously I am running behind on my blogging this week!
I have sick boys at home and instead of fun scrappy gal, I get to be tired mommy. hehe
But I did wrangle my 13 yr old son into helping me make this video. Now mind you I know I sound like a crazy woman my words are all fubbled up. But you get the idea so it's good enough for me!

This is a quick tutorial on How to Use you USX or Fiskars Ultra ShapeXpress Shape Cutter.
I know so many people who have thrown them out or given them away or taken them back.
Well, I was blessed enough to have Wendy Jo show me how to use it, so I thought I would pay it forward to anyone who needs to learn how.

Have a beautiful day.
It is snowing here and chilly.

Oh and don't forget! The Crop at Treasured Scrapbooking begins TOMORROW!
Come join me for some fun!
I will be hosting a make and take Just Add Scraps
and a STEAL the RAK game too!
Plus BINGO by Lisa!
All of us have worked hard for some fun stuff!
Great prizes and great friends!


  1. you do awesome tutorials chickie!

  2. I hope everyone gets well soon. The tutorial is awesome and your camera man did a great job too!!!

  3. OOOO U done absolutely Splendid I understood U all the way. That is EXACTLY what I was doing wrong I had my template upside down!!
    OK U go rest I will be back tomorrow to Look for another VIDEO!!!

  4. Say, where did you get taht fancy cutting mat? hee hee

    Great job girl. You ROCKED it!

  5. Thanks so much for doing that video. I've only had the USX a short time & used it once. Thanks to you I now know to take that free hand plate OFF before trying to use it with a template.DUH!
    That was an excellent training video. Fiskars should hire you.

  6. Thanks for the tuturial! YOu are great!

  7. Love the video! I am looking forward to the online crop at TS. Brandon and I are gonna be out and about tomorrow during the day, but I will jump in on the fun as soon as I can. Yay! Hope everyone gets to feeling better too!

  8. Love the tutorial and so sorry to hear that the family has been sick! It is hitting everyone! Hope you have a great weekend!

  9. Hey Pinky! Hope you boys get better soon so you can get some RNR! I'm headed to N'ville on the 19th and will be there until Sunday night.

    Your tutorial is great BTW!

  10. Thanks for sharing - I had borrowed my sister-in-law's but I could not get it to work, I thought I had broke it.

  11. "Fubbled up"? No! That was a great tutorial! Makes me want to get the "Ultra"! Thanks : )

  12. Great job Pinky! You're a natural in front of a camera!

  13. hope everyone gets to feeling well - i know how it goes when kids are sick :(

    Wow @ your tut.. I've pretty much had mine for quite some time (alphas) and couldn't get the hang of it then i ended up selling the stupid thing!! LOL

    Glad to know this tut is out there for other challenged peeps ;)

  14. I just got one of these and it's been frustrating as hell.
    The tip about running the blade along your mat first is a good one. I'm going to try that asap. Thanks for the info! You Rock!!


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