Monday, August 11, 2008

~You knew I was gonna scrap it~

When I posted the pictures LOL
So I printed them up this morning after running out of ink and Made a page.
The cool part is...
This morning I sent my baby off to his first day of school, and I was feeling a little nostalgic and a little Low to be honest. Whem y youngest son woke up he cried and cried so I took him upstairs and gave him my Christmas slab of paper and some Thomas stickers and said..."OK Gage...
Now you scrapbook one page and so will I!" So my 4 yr old and I SCRAPPED together!
He was thrilled and happy once again and I got to cry over a layout in peace....
I think he might be the next Scrappy star! I will have to take pictures later.

I never thought I would be happy I saved all my unused old supplies i thought of tossing 100 times, BUT they do make great kids supplies, i think i will just hang on and let them have at it whenever they like!
Have a beautiful Monday y'all and come back to see me soon!
***hugs*** Pinky!


  1. The page is great and I am looking forward to seeing your sons. We never had kids but always imaged that sending them off to school would be very hard for a mother to do!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love the layout! It's Very creative! I wish i was that good , but it takes time to get better i know.

  4. oops! didnt mean to leave more than one comment lol. its i dont know why its broken , ill have to fix that lol.

  5. I just wanted to say thank you as I got happy mail today! That was very kind of you!

  6. I love the layout of the boys being boys. I think it's so awesome you take time to do things like that with/for them. What a great idea to save the stuff you weren't going to use and have it for them to scrap with.

    I hate that first day of school feeling. I always miss the Butterfly when she is gone.

  7. Oh I can't wait to see what he made -- sniff-sniff- I can only imagine how hard it was :)

  8. So cute! I love that you included you sewing the capes.

  9. I totally think that is the cutest thing that he scrapped with you!!!

  10. As always a fabulous layout Cristal. I have 3 Priority size boxes FULL of old papers that I will have to see about getting into the mail to you for the boys!!!


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