Sunday, August 3, 2008

~Super Hero Saturday~

I thought I would add some old costume pictures as well! LOL This is in 2005

Friday my 4 yr old came to me and asked me to buy him a "Batman Costume" which is ironic because i have made their costumes for years now.
Anyways, I suggested maybe I could make them capes instead!
So this is how I spent my Saturday morning.
Then in the SCATHING 100 degree heat we decided to go school shopping, did I mention it was a tax free weekend and there are a bunch of crazies out on that day???

LORDAY! Never EVER again will I attempt that on Tax free weekend!
I will pay the Taxes and escape with my life next year!
Have a great Sunday y'all


  1. Those are some great capes !!!!!! I hope they spent the day flying around and saving all they could!!! lol

  2. My Mom is suppose to be making DD a superhero cape. (it took her 5 months to make the aprons we requested.) DD loves Batman too. Your capes turned out great.

  3. Oh what a cute pair of cuddly bugs these are. You did well with the capes I have to say, bless ya xxxxxx

  4. Those are great capes! Every kid needs a cape. Mine wears a hospital gown backwards most of the time at club med as she is Super Tube Girl!

    I love the pics from 2005, what talent.

  5. oh they are too cute in those capes!

  6. Oh my cute are they!! :) :)

    Seriously capes are the best gift any boy under 7 can get! We have 1 and my kids FIGHT for it all the time.

  7. what a good mommy you are? I bet those boys had a great time with their caps.


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