OH how i HOPE so! Hopefully tonight I will find some time.
OK update on me....
#1 It's Justice's Birthday today! My first born is 6!
#2 I talked to a woman this week who thinks the Nanny on TV is super HOT! So I watched the Nanny and she is quite pretty.....not I want to be lesbian pretty but pretty nonetheless.
#3 I totally had this weird hot lesbian dream lastnight about me and a chinese girl?! And she was so in love and wanted to take me to China....now how weird is that number one? And number two why?? Why did I completely remember it in full color? I think my mind is slipping!
#4 Sewing machine NOT fixed but new one working slow as shit though.
#5 Van might be fixed? I hope so anyways! Changed water pump...still leaking....changed gasket still leaking, pulled out hair ...still leaking, bashed head in wall...still leaking! Now changing hose. *fingers crossed*
Ahhhh life....**it happens! hahaha
I'm the one that wants to love on the nanny girl.....love her and would totally pull a gay card for her hot english ass...