Sunday, May 2, 2010

~Very sad Sunday~

I am so sad this morning, I woke up as usual,
walked outside to feed my chickens and ever single one of them
are gone! We have spent hours looking and every chicken is gone.
I don't know how or what happened? They were all fairly large and
we have had extreme storms and flooding, but no flooding at our home.

TN is in a bad way right now,
interstates are flooded, the tornadoes and rain keeps
coming, the flooding is severe.

It has been a bad weekend and very upsetting all the way around.

Back to searching for my chickens :(
I hope you have a wonderful day



  1. Sorry to hear about the chickies and hope you find them. I'm been thinking about you with the horrible weather we've been having. Will it ever end? It sure doesn't look like it right now! Try to stay dry!

  2. OH NO!!!
    I've been following your escapades all along and this is TERRIBLE news!
    I'm so sorry to hear you're so sad!

    Can't even imagine what could have happened to them.

    Maybe they'll act like my cat and come home when they get hungry???

  3. OMYGOSH!! That is terrible!! U poor thing....I hope U find them.....{{{hugs}}}} :)

  4. Oh no...I'm so sorry to hear about the chicks!!! This is so sad. I hope you find them!

  5. Wishing you luck, and I hope you find your chickens.

  6. I'm so sorry. (((HUGS))) I hope you find them.

  7. Oh how horrible. I must say from experience that they might have gone to the trees. Sometimes they will roost up high to get out of the elements. I sure hope this is the case. Good Luck sweetie, sending positive thoughts

  8. we have chickens also. we just got through incubating-we have 28 new chicks. wish we were closer I'd share. So sorry Pinky-hope you find them. {{hugs}}

  9. I hope you find them!!! And that the weather gets better there!

  10. I'm so sorry about your chickens Pinky, I hope you find them...I'm glad to hear with all the bad weather that you and your family are all ok. Be well my friend.

  11. awww Pinky...I am soo sorry to hear about your chickens. I hope with all my heart that you find them. It's so obvious you enjoy and love them so much and I'm sure you are heartbroken. Thinking of you and hoping and praying you find your chicks.

  12. So sorry to hear about your chickens. A hawk will even get big chickens or a fox or even a raccoon or even dogs. This happened to several my sister's chickens.

  13. I hope that you will find them. Maybe they will return after the storm!

  14. Pinky-I hope you don't think I was being insensitive. Every time you "lose" an animal it is horribly sad! I hope they were just hiding and come back...

  15. I am so sorry Pinky! I will pray they find their way back.

  16. Oh no I understand I am jst so very sad, I never thought I would be sitting here crying over chickens!
    I don't think apredator got them because #1 there were 14 chickens #2 no feathers or mess

  17. Oh Pinky! This is horrible, horrible news. I always love reading about you and the chickies. Maybe they will return soon or you can find them. I live in NW Alabama and the weather here has been terrible! I'm so glad you don't have flooding at your home. I've been watching the news and it looks like TN got hammered with tornados and flooding. Will keep you and your family in my prayers!

  18. I'm so sorry...I hope you find them...keeping your family in our prayers

  19. That is too bad about your chickens. Hope you find them.

  20. That is awful! I hope you find them!

  21. Prayers for your chickens to return to you their "mama". I hope things will dry out by you and your chickens will come home.

  22. I'm so sorry to hear about the chickens :( I hope that you will be able to find them.
    Good luck.

  23. Oh No Pinky, that is horrible- I am so sorry. I'm holding onto hope for a small miracle here. I know you loved those chickens. That would break my heart too.......... xoxoxo lots of hugs to you

  24. I'm so sorry! I really hope you find them.

  25. Hope you find your chickens and anymore if that nasty weather stays away from you.

  26. I will be hoping you find your chicks...
    Please keep us updated.

  27. Oh sweetie...I am so heart is sad!!! Hope the Bad weather stays far enough away from you!!!!

    You are in my prayers...and I so hope you find the chickies!!!

  28. I am so very sorry. I hope they are found safe and sound. I am praying for you and your family. Need to tell my hubby to call his friend in TN and check on them.

  29. So sorry to hear about your chickies! Have you checked with the neighbors? Maybe they heard or saw something? Hope you can locate them! Take care.

  30. So sorry to hear that Pinky :0( That is really a bummer. I can't imagine what could have happened. I hope they are turn up. Good luck to you. I am thiking of you.

  31. OMG. girlie, "where o where has your little chicks gone, where o where can they be" - keep us updated.

  32. Sorry to hear about your chickens!
    I love reading about them.
    Hope you find them!

  33. Keepin' my fingers crossed that they will find their way back!

  34. Ohhh, I'm so sorry to hear about the lost chickens... what a horrible way to start the day - did you found them?

  35. I have spent two weeks reading your blog. You have inspired me and made me feel stronger. I am a rape victim too. I actually had a child and raised child from my rape. I always felt so ostracized and judged for that until I got in the crafting community.

    I happily go read a new post from you today and started crying. I can't believe they all disappeared! This is horrible.

    How are your son's taking it?

    I loved your feather babies. They just stole my heart.

    I wish I was closer I would be helping you look.

    Sending you hugs. You cry about them. I would be hysterical right now.

  36. Wow thanks so mch DeeAnn, thank you everyone in fact.

    The boys are upset as well, my youngest son told his grandpa "My chicks ran away grandpa" Although I don't have the right to complain because we are very blessed to be safe and sound.

  37. So sorry. Sending prayers.

  38. Oh no I am so sorry I have loved reading all about them. I am hoping that you have another post after this one saying they are all back home safe and well. Thinking of you all.
    Kim xXx

  39. Awwww Pinky that is so terrible!! Sorry to hear about the chicken:(


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