Saturday, April 24, 2010

~Happy Saturday, NEW WINNERS, Summer Fun~

Good morning crafty peeps!
I am on the Helmar blog today if you get a chance to check it out :)

Sorry about the huge photo, I have a virus on my computer and
it has eliminated my Firefox, now I am using a new browser that is not Pinky friendly LOL
For this sign I used my amazing Clearscraps,
Helmar 450 quick dry, Helmar Zapdots, and Abbey Road paper from My Mind's Eye.

OK on to the new winners, SORRY everyone, but the winners did not come
forward for the Helmar Glue OR the Cri-Kit pens??!
So I am choosing 2 new winners!

Helmar V2 Vellum GLUE
Blogger kellyrose490 said...

Oh, I would love some of that Helmar Glue! Thanks for sharing Pinky!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cri-Kit Pens for your Cricut

Blogger Gloria said...

hehehehehehehe Pinky would buttering you up help that randomizer pick me.? cause I sure could tell you lots of things but ya know it wouldn't be buttering cause it would be the truth. Thanks for all you do and all the inspiration and by the way glad I didn't have to call the authorities for bathing our chicks. lol lol Got my card all ready just waiting on those pens. lol lol

Friday, April 16, 2010

Send me your addy's ladies!!

I am off to make another acrylic sign for a local class.
This one was a sample :)

~Have a great weekend!~
~Thank you for stopping by~


  1. Congrats to the new winners! Pinky this sign rocks.

  2. Congrats ladies! Pinky...your sign ushers in the warm weather and flowers - very nicely done!

  3. Love this sign - I've never seen anything like it - one word... AWESOME!


  4. Very cute, good luck with the virus! I hope it doesn't destroy everything! Take care, and congrats to the winners

  5. That is A D O R A B L E...LOVE it....and congrats to the new winners! :)

  6. Congrats girls and I adore that did a great job on it!!!

    I need one of those!!!!

    Wishing you a great weekend!!!

  7. That is seriously the most creative and loveliest thing I've seen in a long time. Just wonderful!

  8. Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg You are kidding me. Omg omg omg omg. Pinky I love you so much. omg omg omg omg. I am about to cry. I am so excited.

  9. The sign turned out awesome gf! I love it! :)

  10. Congratulations ladies, Gloria you seem a little happy lol. Enjoy your new goodies.
    Kim xXx

  11. Love your new blog banner!! Very pretty!

  12. I like this blog banner!!! I have been saving from packaging and this would be awesome to try!!


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