Tuesday, May 5, 2009

~New Crate Paper! & Scrap Freak

Well, I certainly feel like a total ditz this week! LOL
I was asked to be Guest DT at Scrap Freak in early April,
so I did all my work by May 1st,
come to find out my Guest DT stint was in April! ROFL
Of course I had fun anyways!
And I got my grubby little paws on the new Crate Paper!
I love me some Crate Paper!

In case you did not know Scrap Freak has VERY LOW shipping,
That is one reason I love hanging there, I know I will only
pay 5 or 6.00 per order vs 9 to 11 at most places!

In this LO I had to poke fun at myself.
Until I went to Hawaii, I thought that pineapple grew on trees!
I look back and think ????? LOL

~Have a beautiful Tuesday~


  1. Very cute!
    Cristal....you were not the only one that thought pineapples grew on trees....I thought that too until I went to Hawaii....shh....our secret.....lol

  2. LOVE ME some CRATE also and you rocked these chickies!!!! Giggle....I thought the same thing about the pineapples!!!! Love ya girlie!

  3. Wha?!?! I thought pineapples grew on trees too!!! LOL Thanks for the lesson! :) I love your layouts, that paper is great!

  4. Cute pages! Way to rock the shaped papers!

  5. Those are some awesome layouts and I also thought pineapples grew on trees!! LOL

  6. Great layouts...LOVE the "lil UPS boy"! Guess I just learned something too...I soooo thought pineapples grew on trees! Thanks for enlightening me!

  7. I wondered how they grew, but didn't dare ask. Great layout.
    Have a good day!

  8. LOL Pinky! Well ya got it done :D

    Too funny about the Pineapples. I didn't know how they grew either! I also didn't know that cashews grew inside a fruit until I watch Alton Brown on Food Network.


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