Sunday, July 20, 2008

~Fun Girly Day!~

What a FUN girly Day! First off Ziggy came over to my house at 9:00am! And we drove to Alabama and man it was so hot there. Let me tell you it was hotter than a witches ***.
We met up with Aymee and Carol at Michaels and did a little shopping. That Micheal's was fair to middling. Not much going on,But I did find some goodies for Cherrie and some Fun RAK'sfor Just Scrappin'.
So off to Target we went, I found some fun things for my boys then we met Kelly and Ann over there.
Then we found ourselves at OCharley's and we had a Picture fest! LOL Plus we shared Layouts and chatted about life, online friends, and good times.
I think Aymee and I wanted to run back to her house and spend two days chatting LOL She was a real peach I think she and Carol are so adorable!
Kelly and Ann had to leave so we drove over to a Scrapbook shop that was closed and we sadly said goodbye. Aymee said she didn't want to go home, neither did I LOL BUt on a Sunday what is a girl to do?? LOL
It was fun and we are DEF. meeting in Chattanooga for the EXPO! And in April for the scrap getaway in Gatlinburg! woot woot!
Here's to good days and good friends and good times!


  1. It was a great time! I had a blast and just wish we had more time. Maybe next time we are meet up and have a scrapping slumber party!!

  2. Sounds like a great time and everyone with a camera - the way it should be.

  3. Cristal! LOL! I love the pix! Especially the one's with us with our camera's out. Can you tell we are scrapbookers? Hee Hee. I just had so much fun today! I enjoyed meeting you so much. You are just as beautiful and friendly as I had envisioned. And Ziggy is too funny! Gotta love her and her boa! And Kelly and Ann were as sweet as pie! I just did not want to go home! Can't wait until Chattanooga!!!

  4. Sounds like lots of fun. Getting together with online buddies is always a good time.

  5. Looks like you all had a or not!!

  6. Looks like you had a great time!

  7. I love get togethers like this,looks like you all had a great time!!!

  8. Looks like a fun filled , fab girly day! I am so happy for you that you got this chance . :)


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